
Cycads are a primitive plant which dates back to at least 250 million years. They were an important food for the Dinosaurs, and when looking back to old photos they resembled tall palm trees.

Cycads are one of our favourite plants. They are so versatile and can be grown as an understory or as a main feature in gardens.

We have many pictures of cycads taken in our gardens at Coast Road Palms. Palms and cycads go hand in hand and look fantastic! We have used Cycads extensively in our gardens, having thousands in the ground. Cycads are an ideal plant for poolside planting, as there is hardly any maintenance required.

Cycads can be found all over the world. There are many different Genera in the Cycads. Below is a small description of these cycads. Please be aware that the information provided is to the best of my knowledge and should you require any further details there are many current websites available. We hope you enjoy looking through our cycad pictures.

The genus Bowenia consists of only five species. These species are found native to tropical Queensland. These Cycads have softer foliage and prefer to be planted under a canopy.

Cetrozamia have eleven living species and originate from Mexico. Most have a wide foliage span and prefer light to heavy shade.

Cycas is one of the largest species of Cycads. There are around forty species around the world and originate mainly from North Queensland ,Northern Territory, Papua New Guinea, Indonesia and parts of Africa. As you can see they are widely distributed.

One of my favourite Cycads is the Cycas Armstrongii which is from the Northern Territory. There they grow naturally in the forest along with the Sand Palms (Livenstonia humilis) You can see some pictures of this from one of our trips to Darwin.

Cycas Revoluta is also a beautiful cycad which is widely grown here in Perth. When people think of cycads the Cycas revoluta usually the one that springs to mind.

Dioon is also a beautiful species. The dioon is more silver in colour and has a lower growth habit than other cycads. There are around ten species of these and mainly originate from Mexico. The D. edule and D.spinulosum are among my favourites.

Encephalartos are highly underrated. One of the most hardiest Cycads from South Africa with many such as the E.lebomboensis being rare and endangered.Favourites in these would have to be E. horridus because of the striking blue foliage, also the E ferox because of its bright red seeds.

Lepidozamia is also among my favourites. Only two living species which are endemic to the east of Australia. These cycads are a must for any garden. These cycads have no spikes, they have shiny glossy leaves are suited for full sun or shade positions.

Macrozamia are a native cycad to Australia and originates from the east coast of Australia, from Rockhampton down to Sydney and in areas of Perth.There is around twenty five species. The Macrozamia riedlei is native to Perth’s natural landscape and can be found in our bushland. This is truly a beautiful cycad.

Zamia originates from Mexico through to South America. These cycads are ideal for smaller garden beds which are slightly more protected. The Zamia furfuracea is an exception because the Z.furfuracea is a hardy cycad. This cycad is also widely grown in Perth and can be grown in full sun or shade positions.

© Coast Road Palms Perth Western Australia ( WA )